What's Going On / Our Council in Action

  • Council 13341 and Assembly 3192 gathered to honor and thank their past leaders for outstanding leadership during the last 21 years.
  • At the January 2024 Council Meeting, Car Show Chairman Mike Mahan presented a check for $15,000 to St. Jude representatives Anne and David Parker
  • On January 18, 2024 our council presented a $2500.00 to Habitat for Humanity. From left to right- Glenn Fitzpatrick, an unknown Habitat volunteer, Rich McBride, Mike Mahan, Rick Kuebel, Habitat CEO Bernie Quinn, Carl Perkins, Jack McDonnell.
  • January 2022 Corporate Mass
  • 2022 Installation of Officers
  • Council donation of $8,000. to Father Sebastian for OLA Capital Campaign April 2022
  • On Oct 13th, the council donated $1000 to St. Michael’s Food Pantry in Wauchula. This was part of the Food for Families program. It was well timed and most appreciated. The sisters had the food pantry open seven days a week after the hurricane. They served 5,000 hot meals and over 3,000 families received food from the pantry.
  • Fish Fry Crew
  • Fish Fry Crew
  • Fish Fry
  • GK John Joly and MIke Mahan with an Award from Habitat for Humanity
  • Tootsie Roll Drive
  • Our council delivering food to the St. Joseph's Food Patry
  • St. Michael's Food Pantry
  • Council #13341 assists the food bank at St. Michael’s Church in Wauchula. The activity occurs weekly on Friday and consists of unloading, sorting and storing donated food items. St. Michael’s receives approximately 11,000 pounds of food per week. The items are given to the community on Saturday mornings. The pantry is actively managed by the Sisters of St. Michaels.
  • Tidewell Hospice donation May 2023
  • Habitat donation May 2023
  • Worthy District Deputy Kirk Brown presents Triple Star Council award to GK Jerry Graceffo. The award was for July 2022 to June 2023. The council achieved 306% of it's membership goal along with satisfying program requirements in the Faith, Family,Life and Community pillars
  • Star Council Award - Paul Gulbrandsen, Jerry Graceffo, District Deputy Kirk Brown, John Joly
  • On June 11, 2023, Council Members participated in a procession around the perimeter of Our Lady of the Angels Church in honor of the feast of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (aka Corpus Christi).
  • Weekly Knights Golf at Tara Country Club
  • 4th Degree Renewal of Obligations - February 2022
  • Chairperson Mike Mahan presenting a $1000 check to Habitat for Humanity from Assembly 3192
  • May 2022 Blood Drive
  • May 2022 Blood Drive
  • Tribute to Heros Parade - 2022
  • Concession stand at Ed Smith Stadium
  • Concession stand at Ed Smith Stadium
  • Concession stand at Ed Smith Stadium
  • Marching in the 2023 Tribute to Heros parade

Knight of the Month

  • April 2024 Knight of the Month Warren Collmer
  • January 2024 KOM John Finnegan
  • 2024 March KOM George Halak
  • September 2023 Knight of the Month - Paul Gulbrandsen
  • 2024 February Knight of the Month Mike Corrigan
  • 2024 April KOM Sam Conge
  • January 2023 Knight of the Month - Mike Kelly
  • July 2023 Knight of the Month - DGK Gordon Shellhaas
  • August 2023 Knight of the Month - Carl Perkins
  • September 2023 Knight of the Month - Deacon Tom Harenchar


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